Amanita Boy


Amanita Boy is a prototype of a basic platformer hightly inspired on the clasic Super Mario Bros game.

How to play:

The objective of this game is to reach the goal, which is located at the far right of the level, with the maximum possible score.

To start playing, select a level and click on the level image.


Character controlls:

- A: Left side.
- D: Right side.
- Space: Jump (Keep space to jump higher).
- Shift: Shoot a Tree projectile (If on Tree evolution mode).


If the player is laterally colliding with an enemy in its normal state or falls into the void, the level is restarted.
If you restart the level 3 times the user loses.
If the player laterally collides with an enemy in its evolved state, it changes to normal state.
If the player jumps on an enemy, the enemy dies.
If a Tree projectile hit an enemy, the enemy dies.

The player can interact with "Surprise" and "Brick" blocks by pushing them underneath.
When interacting with a Surprise block, the player can receive a coin or generate a PowerUp.
If the player interacts with a Brick block and is in its evolved form, it will break it.
If the player interacts with a block with an enemy above, the enemy will be killed.
When the player collides with a Mushroom PowerUp, and is in a normal state, it evolves to Mushroom evolution mode.
When the player collider with a Tree PowerUp when is in Mushroom evolution mode, evolves to Tree evolution mode.

Eliminating enemies, breaking blocks, catching mushrooms and reaching the goal, among other actions, give score.

Additional Controlls:

- P: Pause game.
- M: Mute all sound.   

Walkthrough Video:


Development Info:

This project was developed as an assessment for a Videogame Development formation at UOC University.

Developed by:  Quim Colobran Ramirez - @quicorax

Tileset props by: Kenney Assets (Pixel Platformer + Expansions)

SFX by: Kenney Assets  (Interface Sounds)

Music by: Komiku (Travel to the Horizon)


AmanitaBoy_android.apk 26 MB

Development log

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